Increase Bone Volume with Sinus Augmentation

Sinus Augmentation

There are two forms of sinus lift procedures, a Sinus Augmentation and a Sinus Bump. The form that you receive depends upon your individual needs and the amount of bone that is present. We will discuss your options prior to the procedure.

A Sinus Augmentation is indicated when there is a very minimal remaining bone height. Typically performed under sedation, the gum tissue is moved away from the jawbone, a small opening into the sinus is created, and the membrane lining the sinus is moved to allow placement of a bone graft. This will require 6+ months of healing and an updated 3D X-Ray to plan your Dental Implant.

The second form of a sinus lift, is called a Sinus Bump and is performed at the same time your Dental Implant is surgically placed. This involves using a specialized set of implant drills and instruments to reach the bottom of the sinus floor and added a smaller volume of bone beneath the sinus membrane prior to insertion of your Dental Implant. A period of 4-6 months of healing would be required before your dentist could place the final restoration/crown on your implant.